One of The Craziest videos or the Craziest video you will ever see in your whole Life. President or CEO...
Read moreDetailsMaster list vaccine cure sheet/link Professor Dolores Cahill: 'The Vaccinated have 3-5 years to live - even if they've had...
Read moreDetailsBy Greg Hunter’s "Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with...
Read moreDetailsSays Delta Variant known in NHS as vaccine injury. Good video, but at the 31:14 minute mark, he takes...
Read moreDetails(Natural News) By now, if you haven’t been vaccinated for Covid, then you know that the vaccine is much more...
Read moreDetails"....The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors...," "The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of...
Read moreDetailsHere’s the Best One: (video) “The Sustainable Development Solutions Network,” directed by Jeffrey Sachs — Let me Interpret: ‘The Kill Everybody off Solution’s Network’ — with: The UN, the IMF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and probably the Illuminati Jesuits & Soros.
Noahide Laws?: (video) – Pope Francis with Global Education Pact or Act — but Trump is/was in the way.
‘Global Humanism vs God & Jesus’
There is almost nothing left to say -- Getting Serious About Jesus Today/Soon is the Call. There is Super Valuable Information at this site regarding the Bolshevik/Communist Revolution in Russia, that is almost like no-where to be found. 'Hidden HIstory/Information' is here. Just know that Communism, which is coming to the world soon - known as Globalism, is: In-Human, Beyond the Pale, Murder & Torture. As one person said in a video at this site: "The Baal System is Merciless" - Igor Shepherd