I would share this video to the Ends of the Earth – on the cutting Edge of the End Times
note: Praise the Lord for the good that Trump & Elon Musk are doing, also I do not believe Trump is the Anti-Christ, nor Kushner, nor Elon Musk — but make no mistake, they are major NWO players (they, {the NWO)} control right and left. Most Christians will not believe that about Trump — but it makes no matter / not super important ><> (however in these End Times I would not doubt that Trump could become the Anti-Christ nor do I doubt he could be assassinated) — but I think the Anti-Christ could possibly be a homo-sexual or bi-sexual or even a sex changed person — The Bible says; ‘he will not give the desire of women’ — so that most likely excludes Trump being he is married — Obama and Macron could be candidates possibly.
This video is major too: