Hello, Shalom – first I am going to post about UFO’s, but I would definitely see everything about AI below. I am going to post two videos that are very intriguing (the ones with the sheep picture in the top left), the first sheep picture video is a must see as the video just below.
Must see video — computer (mesogen) chips in the blood or bodies of vaxxed and unvaxxed (will post this here as soon as able to get it to upload)
Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay .44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
From what I’ve come across, there is possibly going to be a Fake Alien Invasion with UFO holograms with military aircraft firing from inside of them, and there will be damage.
The Bible says: ‘when they shall say peace and safety, (possibly Daniel 9:27 – a seven year peace deal that begins the End / possibly confirmed at the UN), then sudden destruction and they will not escape.’
This could happen to unite the world to bring about the New World Order – (A One World Government, under the Anti-Christ).
It is possible though that it could be a mix of real and fake ships/‘aliens’ – because in the Book of Enoch, it says Angels have ‘flying houses’ — so these fallen angels / demons, could have something.
It is possible The Rapture (the disappearance of Christians before the 7 year End of the World begins) will be explained away by UFO’s. (they may say something like: ‘those humans that were taken away or killed were holding us back from evolving into a new future’).
Be careful of the video below with lust – just watch the first six minutes – pretty unbelievable. The End is possibly getting very near.
AI – For your consideration with AI and the NWO (New World Order) (video below) – very interesting I believe.
AI – Artificial Intelligence / ‘Automated’ Intelligence possibly; at or about to reach the point of Singularity – where it will be as smart as all human beings on earth combined.
Articles: Godfather of AI’ Predicts Humans Will Become Extinct by 2030
Google AI Tells Student He’s a ‘Drain on Earth,’ Urges Suicide: ‘You Are Not Needed – Please Die’
Klaus Schwab (WEF) {‘Dr. Evil’} – (4th Industrial Revolution) ‘2030 you will own nothing & you will be happy.’
AI may be linked to massive Surveillance. (I apologize for the picture below, but this is a good video)
Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Elon Musk or NASA / Cape Canaveral in FL are possibly sending up Satellites 🛰️ 🚀 left and right – possibly announced and unannounced.
I hear or see them like all the time or something. On Veterans Day 2023, they sent up 24 satellites it may of been in a rocket – maybe the most ever. I saw the Rocket 🚀 aftermath smoke-trail being off from work and out on the street doing Bible Evangelism – lo and behold, off to my side there it was.
JD Vance is linked up with Peter Thiel (Billionaire – Silicon Valley maybe), Their deal is possibly: Surveillance (or from one of them). Peter Thiel may be a Bilderberger, that =‘s New World Order Globalist Communist utopia or something.
These satellites can possibly swarm in low altitude and do surveillance / Article.
Look at all the satellites in this one Constellation !
This is possibly all tied into: the 666 Mark, Tracking/controlling transactions/surveying / lockdowns – prison planet stuff. These new satellites may even be part of a ufo hologram invasion.
Could a UFO Hologram Invasion be: 2 Thess. 2:9 …power and signs and lying wonders?
(or maybe part of it)?
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrigteousness.
Let me give an overview that will help you understand what is being said in the videos a bit:
1. The Illuminati/New World Order (their seal is on the back of the dollar bill), control right and left in U.S. politics / Donald Trump is just playing his part, however I’d rather have him as President then the slow death of moral poison from the Democrats.
2. The 11 minute mark of the 2nd video Klaus Schwab ‘Dr. Evil,’ of the WEF says in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Nanotechnology and Gene editing, (Bio-engineering he may of said too in a video) is part of it — well look no further than the 12 Billion COVID Vaccines 💉 that were given. He says the 4th Industrial Revolution will happen fast – look no further again. (70% of the world, or around that – took the vaccine).
Article: (Read this short little writing about AI / Nanotech – ‘vax blood’) ‘Human… Please Die’ — Google AI Chatbot Responds to Grad Student’s Query with Threatening Message
3. The Vaccines contain graphene oxide / nanotech which has made the vaccinated possibly give off a Bluetooth signal that connects to Android phones it may be. (Or give off a possible hexadecimal signal or maybe a Wi-Fi signal I’m guessing). Whatever is happening, the vax is possibly creating an Interface (Article) in the human body or brain That Connects To AI Possibly – so welcome to a ‘Brave New World,’ or something.
Here are five really good videos / God Bless / The Rapture could possibly happen 9/23/25 – Rosh Hashana/The Feast of Trumpets – known as: ‘the day no man knows the day or hour’ — if not in 2025, Rosh Hashana in a (possible soon) future year may see the Rapture and The 7 year End begin.
Closing Note: Aside from this Alien stuff, it is possible Ezekiel 38 & 39 could be the Prelude to the Tribulation.
I wrote this recently at facebook: (little edit below)
The Last Days ><> I just saw something that said, something like: ‘the last window to install the Anti-Christ is 2027-28’ – major NWO ‘type(s)’ said it, it may of been.
Top Freemason and/or Illuminati grand wizard Albert Pike (statue in Washington D.C. it may be) has Islam against Zionism or Political Zionism for WW111 – he wrote the blueprint or something for the 3 world wars.
The Synagogue of Satan (the one who said about the Anti-Christ it may of been) – said: ‘Islam is our broom, and we will use it to destroy the West or world,’ or something.
Islam is going to possibly start getting end of the world important.
It’s possible this year could see the beginning of the Tribulation — out to 2030 I think warrants major consideration.