Friar Bugnolo — Fear Monger or Prophet??
August 26, 2021 – (post from HenryMakow’s site — he allows reposting of articles at his site). [just have to drop him a line] (please be careful of the video, there are two bad language pictures I saw I believe — looking at the Friar is ok — but be careful if you look at the pictures — this video has possibly been banned everywhere maybe – if i remember what I read correctly)
*Nobel Medicine Prize laureate Luc Montagnier says that, the next time a recipient of the Lethal Injection (GENOCIDAL JAB) runs into a coronavirus, the GENOCIDAL JAB will prime his system to kill him. [Other medical experts confirm this, including: Dr Rima Laibow, Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Andrew Kauman, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Seán Brooks, Dr Stephanie Seneff, Dr Vladimir Zelenko, Dr Sherri Tenpennny, Dr David Martin, Dr Jane Ruby, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Michael Yeadon etc.];
*Over the next few years, two billion people will die of excessive immune reactions. This will be a huge human die-off, perhaps only paralleled by the Black Death of 1346-53;
*Anyone with a brain had enough TIME to examine the scamdemic and see that it was false [this was extremely easy to spot]; There are some medicines that can slow down the excessive immune reactions BUT those medicines will soon sell out. Furthermore, you will need these medicines before every single flu season “for ever”;
*If you took the GENOCIDAL JAB so that you could go traveling, yield to peer pressure or not get offended, then you are an and a coward;
*The Lethal Injection (GENOCIDAL JAB) is a binary weapon that uses ANTIBODY PRIMING to combine with any coronavirus you meet to induce a cytokine storm [it starts by inducing ANTIBODY-DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT, then a CYTOKINE STORM, then ORGAN FAILURE and finally DEATH];
*Next up is going to be the darkest age in human history; A lot of those who will die are so proud that they will refuse to admit their own responsibility; If possible, you need to flee the city; This is like the “calm before the storm” in the summer of 1914;
Let us hope everyone repents;
Let us say the Rosary every day.
Is Friar Alexis Bugnolo perhaps being slightly callous, or is he going too far with his projections or estimations?