-Noahide Laws Threaten American Christian Freedoms and Lives in the Future-
By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
Many concerned Americans, aware of the NOAHIDE LAWS and their implications, now believe that it is far past time for SEPARATION OF SYNAGOGUE AND STATE. “SYNAGOGUE” has crept into legislation that makes provision in the future for CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA to be EXECUTED for their faith.
READ the following: The alarming Jewish “NOAHIDE LAWS” signed into legislation by BUSH SENIOR, make provision for non-Jews to be tried in Rabbinical courts of law in the future.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Noahide+laws+Christians+executed+guillotines&btnG=Search
These supposed 7 laws given to the sons of Noah (Gentiles,) ALSO make provision for CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA AND WORLDWIDE to be EXECUTED BY BEHEADING for breaking TWO of these laws pertaining to BASIC CHRISTIAN BIBLE BELIEFS. Those two laws BY JEWISH DEFINITION which Christians break automatically are:
-the crime of “BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD,” and “IDOLATRY.”
All of course, by THEIR DEFINITION.
Noahide Laws will force people of differing religious convictions to choose between maintaining their religious convictions, OR Being EXECUTED for their faith.
One aspect of Jewish definition of “BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD” is to declare/believe that Jesus Christ is “GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH and DIVINE.” This is something which every Christian believes and reads in their Bible universally.
LUBAVITCH CHABAD, the writers of the NOAHIDE LAWS legislation presented by them in Washing, DC, declare themselves to be the descendants of the ancient Pharisees and their school of teaching in Jesus’ day. Therefore, they also follow the pattern outlined in THE GOSPELS of how, after Jesus was arrested and brought before their rabbinical court to be tried, they asked Him IF HE WERE THE SON OF GOD.
And when He responded that He was, the Pharisees then declared “You have HEARD HIS BLASPHEMY…what do you say?”